
Herbal Tinctures for Natural Health Support

Posted by Ingrid Bauer, M.D., M.S. on May 1st 2021

As long as humans have been gathering and cultivating plants, we have faced the challenge of preserving the harvest. When it comes to medicinal plants, capturing the beneficial properties of these … read more
5 Productivity Tips & Herbs for Studying or Working at Home

Posted by Jules Benefico, Certified Clinical Herbalist on Jan 22nd 2021

If you’ve ever worked or studied at home (through choice or necessity), you know that this arrangement brings both opportunities and challenges. Many people find flexibility and freedom in working … read more
Natural Remedies for Seasonal Affective Disorder

Posted by Ingrid Bauer, MD, MS on Jan 18th 2021

The short, cold days of winter can be hard, especially when they come at the end of an exhausting and devastating year. The weather, the darkness, and slowness of the season can give rise to a stat … read more
Panax Ginseng for Balance, Vitality & Focus

Posted by Benjamin Zappin, L.Ac. on Sep 30th 2020

Panax ginseng is among the traditional Asian herbs that has broken into the mainstream Western supplement lineup, and it’s easily found health food stores, from practitioners, online, or even in sw … read more