
The Five Flavors in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Posted by Ingrid Bauer, M.D., M.S. & Benjamin Zappin, L.Ac. on May 11th 2021

Many traditional medicinal systems—including Ayurveda, Unani-Tib, and ancient European medicine—have recognized a link between how different ingredients taste and how they affect the body. Here at … read more
Support Heart Health with Chinese Medicine

Posted by Benjamin Zappin, L.Ac. on Feb 10th 2021

Observed as American Heart Month and bisected by Valentine’s Day, February is a time to honor the heart and all it represents. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and other cultural contexts, the … read more
Bedtime Routine Tips & Natural Sleep Aids

Posted by Ingrid Bauer, MD, MS on Dec 18th 2020

Wellness beliefs may vary widely throughout different eras and cultures, but virtually all healing traditions agree on one principle: the importance of sleep. As a human, parent, doctor, and insomn … read more