Well-Being Syrup (Wellness Syrup)

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Well-Being Syrup (Wellness Syrup)

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A nutritive alcohol-free immune tonic
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  • Wellness syrup

    I’ve taken another brand’s Wellness Pills for years, and I never get sick (knock on wood)—but I still get allergies in the grassy Utah spring. So my hope is that Wellness Syrup will deliver the promised “preventative for seasonal illness.” I already know it helps calm the nervous system—I experience that every time I take it—and I do feel good, really good. I have relied heavily on Taproot’s Stress-Away Syrup and, on that alone, I fully expect to have fewer allergy symptoms this year with the Wellness Syrup. I heartily recommend these guys! Stay tuned. I’ll keep you posted.

    Posted by Julie Nichols on Apr 28th 2021